A Sunny Winter Day in Dunedin, New Zealand

Winter is here!

In Dunedin we are experiencing a rather cold one.  We have had sleet, snow, ice, rain and wind. It has been bitterly cold with temperatures of minus ten degrees and we are just not used to that.  But it does make for excellent phatic communion with everyone I meet in my day!

In among all the terrible and gloomy cold days, there have been some absolute gifts of days where the sun has given some warmth and the world has seemed golden in its rays.

On one such day I was able to enjoy being out and about with my camera and ventured to the Dunedin Botanic Garden and Signal Hill where I happily captured these moments of winter.

These twisted branches are the original Rhododendrons planted in the Botanic Garden

ancient rhodi

rhodi 1


The Boardwalk in the Native Collection

sunny glow 2


sunny glow 1

fern and light


From Signal Hill looking over the Inner Harbour to the Southern Pacific Ocean  My mother’s house is down there!

outlook vista

Thanks for coming by I hope you saw the magic too!