A Sunny Winter Day in Dunedin, New Zealand

Winter is here!

In Dunedin we are experiencing a rather cold one.  We have had sleet, snow, ice, rain and wind. It has been bitterly cold with temperatures of minus ten degrees and we are just not used to that.  But it does make for excellent phatic communion with everyone I meet in my day!

In among all the terrible and gloomy cold days, there have been some absolute gifts of days where the sun has given some warmth and the world has seemed golden in its rays.

On one such day I was able to enjoy being out and about with my camera and ventured to the Dunedin Botanic Garden and Signal Hill where I happily captured these moments of winter.

These twisted branches are the original Rhododendrons planted in the Botanic Garden

ancient rhodi

rhodi 1


The Boardwalk in the Native Collection

sunny glow 2


sunny glow 1

fern and light


From Signal Hill looking over the Inner Harbour to the Southern Pacific Ocean  My mother’s house is down there!

outlook vista

Thanks for coming by I hope you saw the magic too!


20 thoughts on “A Sunny Winter Day in Dunedin, New Zealand

  1. Loved the gnarled looked of the trees. Having them over the bridge feels almost protective. It’s incredible the density of the population in the town! Weather is weird everywhere. I just can’t imagine snow and ice where you are. Good luck staying warm. Hugs to your mum.


    • Thank you Marlene, The rhododendron is an art form in itself and I still don’t think I captured it in its entirety. I will keep trying though!
      Yes, South Dunedin which is the flat bit on the photo is the most densely populated area in New Zealand. Which is ironic when Dunedin is the geographically the largest city in NZ.
      More snow due today, but well prepared for it! 🙂


    • Hello, yes with it’s lush native bush not to far from any city centre there is an abundance of green. Although in summer we often have droughts on the farms and plains.
      The light in the photos was a real gift. Seeing that golden glow I knew I had stumbled upon the magic of the moment – so pleased I recognised it!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the light in the photos. My favorite is photo # 5. The green leaves against a hint of blue and the light shining through. Beautiful photos!
    It’s a pretty hot summer for me right now.
    Have a magical weekend!


    • Thank you, great feedback which is appreciated. It was a real treat to be there during that golden light. I’m a little envious of you having the heat but keep telling myself that experiencing a hard winter will make the spring extra sweet! 🙂


  3. The light is wonderful and so are the twisted rhodies; it’s hard to choose (as if I must!) a favourite; maybe the first picture, with the trunks so stunning in that light.


    • Thank you Linne. I did take an enormous amount of shots of the Rhodies.. Managed to “almost” capture the true essence of it. But, like you, to choose a favourite is difficult.


  4. I liked all of your photos but the vine-y look of the rhododendrons was magical, Danella. I arrived from your mother’s posts. I will enjoy future photos and views. I usually play catch up on weekends but must go do errands today. See you soon 🙂


  5. What spectacular views you enjoy. I would go banana’s to see the ocean everyday I think. It would be brilliant to have a little green around through the winter too, alas we are to close to the arctic for such things. I know we all feel the cold relative to what we are acclimated to, so I shalln’t make you feel silly. Winter is winter no matter where you are. It’s not as warm as summer and the things we enjoy about summer (like gardening) wait for spring no matter where you are. x B


    • I know, I know! While I was writing this blog I knew there were those out there in blogland that would chortle at my claims to a cold winter! Still, and as you have acknowledged, for me it was/is. Strangely though I would dearly love to experience your kind of cold. It would be an attitude changing experience I am sure!


      • LOL, it can be cold and crisp with blue skies. But it can also be snowing buckets and -35C. Best call before arriving so I can give you a heads up, ha! On the sunny days (still cold) the birds will come out to sing, those days I covet. It’s so quiet in the winter. People stay in their house and nature stays tucked away. It’s an odd thing.

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