Thinking about it

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This blog is a bit of a sojourn from the norm as it is not about photography at all!

I feel I need to  write this and put it out into the world for reasons that hopefully become apparent.

I’m 44 years old and I think about living my life every day.

I’m pretty good at thinking about it.  I think about things I would like to do.  I think about how it would be nice to look after myself.  I think about plans I can make for tomorrow.  I think about living my life a lot.

I am now thinking about how much I think about it.  I think I think too much and I think I am wasting my life – my beautiful, cherished, fortunate life.

I think it is time to stop thinking and start doing.  (Just a thought).

I am 44 years old and although I have good health, I am not healthy.  I am overweight by a good 10 -15 kgs.  (I’m not too sure as standing on the scales is not a nice thought).

I know all about how to be healthy.  I know that to cut sugar, wheat, processed and refined foods from the diet is good.  I know exercising, drinking water, sleep and laughter is good too.

I know this.

I do this – Drink copious amounts of wine, eat chippies and fast food regularly, sit at home and work on the computer, sleep poorly and frown about it all.

If only I could bring my knowledge into being!

Well I thought about it and I’m the type of girl who loves a challenge and I finally figured out that I need to challenge myself.  I’m writing this blog as part of that challenge to myself so that you out there in blog land can be my witness. – it’s easy to pass/give up a challenge nobody else knows about.

I seem to have had this epiphany at Easter which is apt for new beginnings – I’m also a girl who likes to see inspirational signs when a decision is being made. 🙂

As it turns out I am having a temporary change in my work schedule for a period of 6 – 8 weeks, or perhaps more.  During this time I will be coming off shift work and be in a steady 8 -4 Monday – Friday role.

Ah!  Routine!  Surely with this I can make some headway into taking care of myself.  Evening walks, regular meals and sleep.  It almost sounds mystical to me!

However this is not solely a “weight loss” challenge, this is about being active in my well-being.  This is about getting out of my head, off my butt and being more present in the world and my life.

I believe that when one takes a step in the right direction things move, happen and change in ways unthought of.

Wish me luck – Lets see what I can do!

sun through tree